Monday, March 10, 2014


Hiya. Well, I've been more busy than ever, and we're leaving to go to California for my big brother's graduation on Saturday. (So proud of you, Alex, if you're reading this. <3)
So I'll be gone for a while (not telling how long in case you're rooobbbbbberrrssss), and I just wanted to cut through a few more questions. 14, 15, 16 and 17, ya'll. Hope you enjoy, my lovely readers (if you're out there... 0.o)

14. If you were an animal what would you be and why?
People have told me I'm like a hedgehog. And an otter (funnily enough, the animals the Sherlock fandom have come up with to represent Sherly (Otter) and Watson (Hedgehog).

15. What are your five greatest accomplishments?
Being born. Ayyy *lowers glasses*
Deciding to truly be a Catholic.
Drawing a Tree of Gondor pretty damn perfectly, freehand.
Walking to the library and back in about 6 minutes.
Deleting my Tumblr.

16. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
Oh gosh. Well, I wish I could write better. I have so many ideas but I don't like taking the time to write them down. That being said, I have a full chapter in my new book :) Yay for progress!
Other than that, being a truly loving person. It's so easy to think of oneself, and forget that things like friendship aren't just for you.

17. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
Ahh. I don't think I'll answer this one, because the most difficult thing is something I still stuggle with. So. How about what is my favorite color? Oh excellent question, Mary. Thank you! Very welcome. Now, my favorite color is not sunset orange like Peeta's, but more like a green that is alive. And not the yellow-green of spring's sharp new blades, but more like the sunlight through a leaf green. That, or grey. It's a warm grey, but not yellowish. And it's not blueish either. I think my favorite colors tend to be more of a concept than something actually real. <3 Yay for brains!

Dear Google,

Dear Google,
Hello! It's me, a faithful user of Google/Gmail for the entire time I've had an email, about 5 years. I have younger siblings who have now also gotten email accounts for school purposes, but are restricted from social networking sites for their own safety, and because it's not something they need right now. However, going back on to G+ today, I noticed new G+ accounts had been made for both my sisters. We've deleted these several times, thinking it was just an accidental thing, and once we'd sent our complaint it wouldn't matter anymore. But this is now the 3rd or 4th time it's happened! And I've looked into this; we're not the only ones. (And no, my sisters aren't lying, thank you very much.) Instead of sending another complaint that probably no one will ever see, I am broadcasting this whiny little post. Really, though, it's making me pretty mad that the privacy options my parents have selected for my younger sisters have been ignored. Why is a social media site like G+ making sure my sisters have accounts? To me, this signals the freedoms concerning privacy that we have in real life being completely ignored when you're on the internet. It is not at all right that Google finds it necesarry to undo what we've decided we want as far as social media.

Before you call me a ranting fascist or something stupid like that, I will acknowledge that I know I am using a free site for email/social networking, and that I am in no way obligated to continue using a site like Google. However, it is an efficient tool that I appreciate. If Google wishes me to be satisfied with their product, which I assume is their goal, then they would abide by the settings their users decide fit for them. Stop mucking about with our privacy options Google!

Pro libertati!

MARY the chick who's really happy to hear real live chicks called cardinals outside her window

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ohh boy

I wish I was that blogger person who blogs every week and is very funny and sarcastic and amusing, but the truth is that I do not have the time. :D Maybe when I am a hundred years old I will come on and give you all recipes for the best margarita and snickerdoodles.

The least I can do for the moment is tell you that I am heavily occupied with school (actually currently on an Ancient History class-- we're discussing Maccabees, which is amazing!), and my job, and hobbies. Especially reading and drawing the White Tree of Gondor. I'm trying to get the Tree correct free-hand, without having to look at a picture. It's harder than it sounds :)

Besides all this, I am . . . GOING TO ITALY IN MAY!!!

My most amazing Nonna and my most beautiful sister and I are going to Florence for about 3 weeks. We'll spend our time in Fiesole, and hopefully make a trip to Rome. :)

Anyway. More later!
