Hello to any readers who happen to stumble along this blog,
Today I'll be answering "Describe three legitimate fears you have and explain how
they became fears."
1. I'm afraid that when I get into a car some extremely creepy person will be in the back seat and things...won't go well. This fear came from a dream I had, where I had a situation exactly like this, but the someone was my brother, so even worse.
2. Um. I 'm afraid that my siblings will get hurt while walking on their way home from a trip to the library a block away, or that my two siblings at college will never make it home on the flight. I think this fear is just basic sisterly concern for my sibs, and I'm just worrying too much, since in the first sitch, we live in a very safe neighborhood, and in the second situation, most plane flights are relatively safe and I would benefit my siblings better by praying instead of worrying. :D
3. Weeelll. Let's see. I guess another fear I have is that I'll put myself in a compromising situation with a guy I love and then I'll have my heart broken. (This isn't about a specific boy...just in general.) And I'm not so sure why I have this fear... just read a lot of books, I guess.
Well that's all for me, folks! Tune in tomorrow for answers to question number 3. :D
God bless,
Mary Tombelli
~The American-Italian Chica
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