Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Okay back now. :D

Hello readers!
Happy Easter!!! I haven't been on cause of a super busy Easter break week. :) So here's Questions 3, 4, 5, 6 AND 7.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents. - Mt relationship with my parents is absolutely wonderful. While we sometimes get in arguments and misunderstand one another, we always make up. :) There's seriously a lot of grace God gives this family...I'm so priveleged to realize how uniquely beautiful each member of my family is, and I'm so happy that we always love each other no matter what.

4. What are five things that make you most happy right now?
Oh goodness. Firstly, going to Mass, Stations of the Cross, Vespers, etc. :)
Secondly, a day when no one interrupts me when I'm trying to read or write. 
Thirdly, getting to spend several hours in a book store un-interrupted with a gift card. lol
Fourthly, a good hair day and/or a day when my make-up/ outfit actually look decent.
And lastly... I guess a good night's sleep for once with my kitten Frodo curled up at my feet. :D

5. What is the hardest thing you ever experienced?
Well, I guess I'd have to say when my grandfather died, it was really hard for me. My grandpa on my mom's side died way before I was born, and I was only 7 when my maternal grandma died, so my Nonno's death was really close to the heart, kind of for the first time. His death was kind of sudden, too, since he was doing really great, not sick or anything except for his legs being kind of weak, which hadn't been too much of a problem. He just lost his balance and hit his head on the fireplace. In spite of internal bleeding in his brain, he was conscious of all of us for several days, and most of the immediate family got to say good-bye while physically at the hospital. Praise be to Jesus, he died pretty peacefully and the nurses say he wouldn't have been in pain. My Nonno was just so intelligent,
6. What is your dream job, and why?
Oh gracious. This isn't even a job, but I'd love to spend my days in a well-stocked-with-classics library, with HUGE ceilings and staircases and super comfortable chair and little-big nooks (think Belle's library from Beauty and the Beast), and romantic little spaces tucked away where I could kiss my dream man. So I guess my dream job is to sit in this library all day, doing whatever the heck I want. If you don't know this already, I *love* books, so yeah. SINCE I FREAKING LOVE BOOKS I WANT TO DO THIS JOB. lol
Realistically, I'd like to be a teacher of little kids. :D Then, I'd like to be a great wife and mother (if God so wills). :) And that's basically because I love the idea of having a husband and kids of my own and I REALLY REALLY REALLY love kids. :D Also, mia madre is a beautiful, wonderfully Christian woman who has set an amazing example for me as a home-schooling mom and wife for 23 years, and she *really* inspires me. :D
7. What are 5 passions you have?
Let's see.
1. Reading.
2. See # 1.
3. See # 2. 
4. See # 3.
And 5. See # 4.
Okay, okay, for realz now. 1. Reading; 2. Having fun with friends, family and the internet; 3. History; 4. Crafts; 5. Guns.

And that's all folks. Tune in sometime soon (I won't promise tomorrow :~)) for the rest of these fun lil questions and answers. :D I'll be posting some pics of random things soon!! They'll be a surprise. lol

The American-Italian Chick
~Mary Tombelli~

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